Jon got a job offer on Friday. Yay! That's a really good thing. He hasn't accepted it yet, as he's hoping to get a second offer this coming week, and he would choose between them. But, it's a significant pay cut to where we are now.
I KNOW that he's stepping down the corporate ladder so there will be a reduced salary, but it's still a transition, so I'm having a hard time with it right now. I know we'll adjust, as he's had this salary before and we did just fine, but the whole transition of it, and scaling back, and having a huge budget discussion tomorrow is making me nervous.
I've also been looking at getting a part-time job. I applied to one remote position tonight (I'm not likely to get it as there are at least 50 other applicants for this 10 hour/week job). And I'm entertaining getting my substitute teaching license, so I can still have some flexibility but bring some money into the house so we don't have to cut as much from the budget.
Things on the chopping block include lawn service, pest control, gym membership, Lucy's gymnastics, Lucy's swim and Gus' indoor skydiving. I don't care so much about the lawn service or pest control. I'm really trying to focus more on exercise, so I don't want to have to give up the gym, but we do have weights in the basement. And I REALLY don't want to give up the kids' activities.
I hope the conversation tomorrow goes well, we're able to figure out a budget, and the transition goes as smoothly as possible.