So, back in April I started a new med, Abilify. I think it's another med that I won't be able to take due to negative side effects.
I started taking it at night, and it takes me forever to fall asleep, and I wake up a lot, fuzzy brain during the day. The tricky thing is that about 2 weeks after I started Abilify, Jon lost his job, so was my insomnia caused by the med or the stress of Jon's job? After a med check last Wednesday, I was told to start taking it in the morning, to see if that made a difference.
I messaged on Monday evening, and the new plan is that I'm back to half a pill, instead of a full pill, and continue to take it in the morning until my next med check in mid-July, which will be two days before I can see my counselor. I will be so glad when I can see him regularly, instead of hoping and waiting there will be a cancellation that opens up and I can take.
I also found out today that the man who murdered my uncle and his fiancé has died. He filed three appeals after the initial conviction; one is still open as it was just filed about a month ago. I'm upset. Part of me is glad he's dead, but I wish he would have lived long enough to have the third appeal denied, then spend some time in jail, then died. I know this doesn't make me an awesome person, and vindictive, but he took two lives! He deserves to suffer little bit for that, right?
So, being tired all the time, not sleeping well, and then getting this news...I'm a little bit of a mess tonight.