morning I took a pregnancy test, just to confirm that we weren’t pregnant.
Despite the fact that I knew I wasn’t pregnant (Jon and I were supposed to keep
up a regular schedule to try to get our miracle, but that really didn’t
happen). So, I knew that the test wouldn’t be positive, but I couldn’t help
hoping beyond hope that a second line would appear. So, with my negative HPT,
this morning, I figured, would go like this.
- u/s so that the docs could see what was going on in my body
- Prescription for provera, to be taken for 5 days, to induce a CD1
- Prescription for follistim to be started on CD3
- Call on CD1 to schedule u/s for CD3
That’s not
what happened AT ALL! Dr. P began the u/s and she said that my lining was
really thick. I told her that it should be, as I’m on CD34 after stopping birth
control. She then stated that we’re a few days early to start treatments as my
period is on its way. She should see some fluid floating around my uterus and
she could see that I had ovulated!!!! This just blows my mind. I grew an egg
and ovulated all on my own. This never happens. I’m happy that my body did something
it was supposed to, but this totally messes up our entire plan for treatments
going forward. If my body’s able to produce an egg without stimulation, how do we
move forward?
Cycle: Once I start my period, schedule CD11 u/s. If I’m growing something,
still trigger ovulation and perform IUI. If we get to my day 11 u/s and I’m not
growing anything, we would need to induce a period before trying a different treatment
option, I think. We have an email in to the doctor to confirm if we need to
have a new CD1 prior to starting oral meds or if we can start oral meds that
Option 2-Oral medication: Once I start my period, take letrozole on CD3-CD7 and schedule a CD11 u/s. If I’m growing something, trigger ovulation and perform IUI. If I’m not growing anything, we can begin follistim that day.
Option 2-Oral medication: Once I start my period, take letrozole on CD3-CD7 and schedule a CD11 u/s. If I’m growing something, trigger ovulation and perform IUI. If I’m not growing anything, we can begin follistim that day.
3-Injectables: Once I start my period, schedule a day 3 u/s with labs and begin
injections on CD3.
Here are the
issues. We don’t know if I’ll ovulate on my own again. So, if we choose option
1, and I don’t grow anything, we’re looking at waiting, possibly, another month
before we start treatments. If we choose option 2, and I don’t grow anything,
we’ve only delayed treatments by 11 days. On the other hand, if I’m growing on
my own AND taking femara am I more likely to grow multiple mature eggs? We want
to conceive and bring home ONE child. If option 1 or option 2 works, that saves
a whole ton of money over option 3, which is $3000 per cycle.
Like I
stated above, I’m glad that my body’s done something that it was supposed to
do, buy why did I have to do it now, when it completely messes up the plans
that we’ve made and the fertility treatments that we know have worked in the past?
I thought we were going to move forward with a solid plan. I don’t need a
rollercoaster with my fertility treatments, there’s going to be enough of that during
a pregnancy.
So, instead
of taking some pills and inducing a period, I’m waiting for my CD1, an email
back from Dr. P and some sign from above about which option to go forward with
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